April Chapter of the Month – Kentucky


The Fulbright Association has 54 local chapters in 38 states across the U.S. that are led and managed by volunteer alumni who reside in the area. Chapters provide Fulbright alumni and visiting Fulbrighters with diverse opportunities for networking, professional development, mentoring, cultural enrichment, and community service. The Chapter of the Month series allows the Fulbright community to recognize the great work that these chapters are doing.

This month, we are highlighting the Kentucky Chapter!

Answers provided by members of the Kentucky Chapter Board of Directors. 


Your chapter has been doing great work! Can you share what’s been going on?

The Kentucky Chapter of the Fulbright Association is currently reaching out to Kentucky members of the U.S. House of Representatives to raise awareness of the benefits of the Fulbright vision of a peaceful, interconnected world and sharing personal stories of how Fulbright impacts lives through networking, education, and service in advance of this year’s $317.5M budget request. We are also grateful for the support of Senator Mitch McConnell, who brought Fulbrighters together for the Founding of the Chapter and also Samantha Lore, John Bader, and the Fulbright Association Team for their support of this opportunity. In 2021, Kentucky had 21 Fulbright applicants and the Chapter continues to raise awareness of the program through activities including Fulbright in the Classroom engaging the next generation of students. This initiative is being led by Kyung Kang in Louisville this Spring.

Another Founder, Ted Ruppel has applied to travel Slovokia in September. In the “continuing relationship” spirit of the Fulbright organization, Fred and Carol Ruppel will be returning to the Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra this fall as Visiting Professors, teaching at the university where they were each Fulbright Scholars twenty and fifteen years ago. Founders Wanda Dodson and Abdelaziz Lawani continue their support of the Kentucky Chapter along with Isaac Wills Larison, Board Member, and we are grateful.

Fulbrighters are hosted in the U.S.A. from other countries aggregate, foreign students contributed some $272M to the Kentucky economy in 2021. When not engaged in Fulbright activities, Fulbrighters in the Kentucky Chapter serve in leadership roles such as the League of Women Voters, in relocating immigrant populations in the state in the Louisville Mayor’s office, contributing to research, and teaching at higher education institutions across the state. These activities will be highlighted in the Kentucky’s chapter’s “Summer of Service.” We have made a conscientious to highlight community organizations in Kentucky Chapter Board and Planning Committee meetings including the Peace Corps and Restorative Justice.

Higher education institutions across Kentucky support Fulbright, America’s Flagship International Exchange Program, both in the U.S.A. and abroad. In 2021, Fulbrighters taught more than 53,579 students in the United States. Top subjects included, but are not limited to: Education, Biology, Environmental Sciences, Literature, History, Political Science, Engineering, Law, and Psychology. Our projects have included: Sav’s, Stuarto’s, The Brown Hotel, The Kentucky Castle, The Kentucky Palace, and the Newport Aquarium. The Kentucky Chapter has also collaborated with other Fulbright Chapters including Indiana and Louisiana.


Dr. Jim Fatzinger, President

Ann Riedling, Founder and Advocacy Director

Fred Ruppel, Founder

Jane Jensen, Webmaster



Who are some stand out members of the chapter? How do they contribute to the Kentucky alumni community? 

The Kentucky Chapter would like to thank the Fulbright Association, current, past, future, and visiting Fulbrighters, and all those around the United States/Globally that we’ve coordinated with. Our Board and officers are highly engaged and work well together as a Team in planning projects, events, and each other.


Dr. Jim Fatzinger, President


What advice would you give to other chapters? 

  • Chapters should engage Fulbrighters and Friends of Fulbright who remain knowledgeable, are dynamic, and able to gently encourage/direct other chapter members to develop and engage in chapter activities. Leaders are important!
  • Develop activities that coincide with Fulbright goals and allow for the further development of chapter members. Activities include personal/group management, communication, awareness, professional socialization, responsibility, and problem solving. Meaningful activities are also important!
  • The Kentucky Chapter celebrates our Founding in Senator Mitch McConnell’s office with a picnic that includes Fulbrighters and Friends of Fulbright.


Dr. Frank Ettenshon, Vice President

Catherine Harbour, Treasurer


As a Member of your State’s Fulbright Association, tell your story!

As Fulbright alumni, you have experienced the Fulbright Program first-hand, which can empower and inspire others. The story about your Fulbright experience can help recruit Visiting Fulbrighters and Friends of Fulbright. One way members of your Chapter share their story is by highlighting Chapter team member hobbies, interests, etc. This content can be posted on your Chapter’s social medial platforms (e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.). Chapter Members are encouraged to repost the content on their social media platforms to increase the visibility of the Fulbright Association and generate engagement educating the public at large on the importance of the Fulbright Program. For example, the Kentucky Chapter recently created a “Fulbright Spotlight” Program of  Planning Committee, Board Members, and Officers. Board Member Jamie L. Izlar, Esq., interviewed by  Dr. Monica Lakhwani, was the Chapter’s first social media spotlight. The Kentucky Chapter posted content on its Facebook and LinkedIn and members reposted the content as able on their social media platforms. This month, check out our “Kentucky Proud” Fulbright posts.


Jamie Izlar, Esq., Board Member

Dr. Ted Fiedler, Board Member


Do you have any upcoming programming for members to participate in?

The Kentucky Chapter has a full line up of events and meetups planned starting with a Fulbright Reunionand Social on April 18th. This event will take place in Louisville, KY with a reception preceding the Celtic Woman Anniversary Tour at The Louisville Palace. This is an opportunity for our vibrant alumni community to get together and connect through the arts. On May 16th the Kentucky Chapter will be in cheer for Fulbright Prize award recipients Gary White and Matt Damon, co-founders of water.org supporting access to safe water and sanitation globally. On May 18th, Kentucky Fulbrighters and Friends of Fulbright gather in Lexington, KY for a Fulbright National Bridge Skylift ride and walk event. The Natural Bridge Skylift is located in Kentucky’s own Daniel Boone National Forest and the Red River Gorge.

As the Kentucky Chapter moves into the Summer months, we’ll engage with the U.S. House of Representatives, strengthen community involvement through a “Summer of Service,” learn more about the history of Frankfort, KY and share more about the Fulbright experience during a Kentucky State Capitol tour. The Kentucky Chapter believes in advocating for and empowering Fulbrighters including planning for the implementation of fundraising software by Jean Abshire and the expansion of our Board. On August 11th, the Chapter hosts a cooking experience at Stuarto’s Olive Oil Company. Our Annual Picnic and Birthday celebration will be held on October 5th.  Please join us on Facebook and LinkedIn. We look forward to welcoming you!


Monica Lakhwani, Secretary

Kyung Kang, Planning Committee

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  1. […] The Fulbright Association has 54 local chapters in 38 states across the U.S. that are led and managed by volunteer alumni who reside in the area. Chapters provide Fulbright alumni and visiting Fulbrighters with diverse opportunities for networking, professional development, mentoring, cultural enrichment, and community service. The Chapter of the Month series allows the Fulbright community to recognize the great work that these chapters are doing.  Click Here to Read the Rest! […]

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