Travel Grant for Mexican Nationals Residing in Mexico or the U.S.

Please Note: These travel grants have been made possible by the generous donation of an anonymous donor. They are currently only available for Mexican nationals living in either Mexico or the U.S.

The Fulbright Association is pleased to offer a limited number of travel grants for Mexican nationals to attend the annual conference in Puebla, Mexico. These grants are open to Fulbright association members and non-members. Preference will be given to Mexican graduate students and young professionals (age 35 and under) living either in the U.S. or in Mexico.

Travel grant recipients will be recognized and have their full conference registration ($230) waived and be presented with a money order in the amount of U.S. $400 during the conference, to be used to reimburse related conference travel expenses.

Applicants should submit a statement of objective, a letter of recommendation, and their relevant contact information to the Fulbright Association for consideration. Applications should be received by the Fulbright Association office no later than 12noon (EST) on Monday, September 10, 2018.

Your application should include:

  1. Your name and contact information
  2. Statement of Objectives: A statement (maximum of 300 words) highlighting what you hope to achieve by attending this conference. It should be included in your application as a word document or PDF.
  3. Letter of Recommendation: A letter from your supervisor, program coordinator or student advisor, which includes his/her support of your attendance at the conference as well as your potential contribution to the conference, either as a presenter or a conference attendee. The letter should include the name, title, institution, and contact information for the recommender. It should be included in your application as a word document or PDF.

Application deadline: September 10, 2018

Travel Grant recipients will be notified by September 24 with further instructions to register for the full conference. Recipients must be registered by October 1 in order to receive the travel grant and are expected to fully engage in the entire conference.