Stacey Nickson

1946 Society Member Spotlight, March 2023

How did you become involved with the Fulbright Association?

I became involved with the Fulbright Association following my Fulbright Specialist appointment at the University of Cape Town (UCT) in South Africa. I attended the FA conference in Washington, D.C., and presented on my engagement with UCT.  As a member of the Auburn University faculty, I joined the Alabama chapter of the FA.  Eventually I was elected to serve as president of the Alabama chapter.  As my involvement with the FA increased, I was engaged with members throughout the country and was eventually elected to the national board.

Why do you enjoy being a member of the Fulbright alumni community?

The Fulbright Alumni community is the most unique group I have ever been associated with.  To be among the body of the greatest compilation of citizen diplomats in the world is an honor and an unmatched opportunity to serve.  The FA community is comprised of kindred spirits who bring their individual talents together to share their love of humanity and make an impact on the world.  It is an unparalleled experience we share with one another that creates a special bond.

What is your hope for the future of the Fulbright Program and international understanding?

The Fulbright Program has made a difference on the world stage since 1946 and will continue to do so.  It is imperative that our government continues to recognize and fully support the Fulbright Program as it is one of the most far-reaching arms of diplomacy ever created.  With the Fulbright Program, international understanding has a drum major that leads in concept and practice.

Why did you join the 1946 Society?

I joined the 1946 Society as a means of further expression of my support for the FA. The 1946 Society is a nod to the historic significance of the Fulbright Program and yet another venue through which we can pledge our commitment as citizen diplomats.

What are your interests outside of the Association?

As do other Fulbright alum, I enjoy travel. I am a sports enthusiast and enjoy attending international sporting events. I am also a Harley-Davidson devotee and have enjoyed motorcycling for nearly forty years.