Fulbright Senior Researcher Spain 1996

Purchase instructions: email info@fulbright.org with artist name & details of art piece

Artist Statement

Art can engage in a manner that allows us to re-view and re-think particular social, historical or political constructs, especially when crossing over into every day reality, political contexts or the streets. Both the viewer and the situations can be altered; art can actually affect change…not merely address it.

Social critique, politics and the human condition inform my artwork. I have worked with subjects as varied as rape and its resonances in women’s lives, forced expulsions around the world, the lives of the Palestinians under occupation, the reality of life in refugee camps in Western Sahara, the Inquisition, terrorism, identity and other social and political themes. For my research, I have traveled to places where people live in dire conditions including Gaza and the West Bank, the Strait of Gibraltar, and the Western Sahara refugee camps near Tindouf, Algeria. As a Fulbright Scholar, I spent six months in Spain which led to a 20-year investigation into the subjects of forced expulsion, diaspora and the Inquisition. More home-based work critiques both the past and current social and political climate here in the US.

Cuarenta 2015
Running time: 3 minutes and 45 seconds
Terry Berkowitz: concept, camera, sound, editing
This video reflects on the lives of children who were born in the refugee camps of Western Sahara (near Tindouf, Algeria).

The Notebook of the Plague 2020
Running time: 2 minute 4 seconds
Terry Berkowitz: concept, sound, editing Joanne Ross: camera
Thinking of the people who have lost their lives to the pandemic.

Instructions/Staying Safe During a Pandemic 2021
Running time: 1 minute and 20 seconds
Terry Berkowitz: concept, camera, sound, editing
A reflection on guidelines during the pandemic, shot during lockdown.