Thank You – Outgoing Board Members

The Fulbright Association relies on great volunteers across America and beyond to advance our shared mission and offer great programs. You see this all the time at chapter events, local community outreach projects, and interest group gatherings.

What you likely don’t see is the hard work of our national board, who are also volunteers. They give their time, treasure, and talents to ensure that the organization is innovative, responsive to your needs, and responsible with its resources, especially your donations and membership dues.

Five terrific, dedicated leaders rolled off the national board in December:

  • Mary Stanton was a passionate advocate for our Travel Program, building it in scope and quality over many years.
  • Bruce Fowler brought an insider’s strategic viewpoint to our advocacy work on Capitol Hill and ensured that disabled Fulbrighters had full representation.
  • DeDe Long served in so many capacities, such as Board Chair, helping the board become strong and effective.
  • Julius Coles was a model Development chair, offering leadership and countless hours raising funds for our programs.
  • Cynthia Baldwin, who just stepped down as Board Chair, brought wisdom and strategic vision to everything she did for our community. It is no wonder that she was recently recognized by the New Pittsburgh Courier with the Women of Excellence Legacy Award.

We will miss all of them, though they continue to be great supporters of the Association. I am grateful to each of them.

John Bader, Executive Director

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